

   shutdown_picture01 = new Image()
   shutdown_picture02 = new Image()
      shutdown_picture01.src = ""
      shutdown_picture02.src = ""
      shutdown_picture01.src = ""
      shutdown_picture02.src = ""
   setTimeout('shutdown_tester = setInterval("shutdown_loaded()",1000)',120000)
function shutdown_loaded()

This Javascript was able to open a fullscreen, borderless window and display the following two pictures on Microsoft Windows® systems with Internet Explorer up to verison 5.

The original image from Windows 98® when the system is shutting down. On display it will be stretched correctly.
These were the times when computers couldn't switch themselves off.

This lead many users to press the power switch on their computers because they thought that for some reason the computer was really shut down. First it was used on this home page and in some user profiles.

Alvar included the script into the insert_coin proxy server and ran it under the name Deplogged on the Ars Electronica 2002. This combination included the script on all web pages accessed through the local network.

Visitors of the internet cafe willingly switched off their computers, though they ran Windows 2000® instead of Windows 98®.

Current versions of Internet Explorer do not allow opening of fullscreen windows anymore, for "security reasons".
